Bill Green

Hoyt C. Hottel Professor in Chemical Engineering
Research Interests:
Fuel Chemistry, Evaluation of Alternative Fuels & Engines
William Green is the Hoyt C. Hottel Professor of Chemical Engineering. He is a world leader in computer-aided chemical kinetic modeling, and leads a team of 20 researchers focusing on reaction kinetics, quantum chemistry, numerical methods, and fuel chemistry. In addition to his extensive work on kinetic modeling and combustion, oxidation, and pyrolysis chemistry, he has performed techno-economic assessments of proposed fuel changes and biofuel production options, he has written several papers on spectroscopy, and he has addressed a variety of industrial engineering problems involving fuels, catalysis, and emissions. His work has been presented in more than 220 articles, which have cumulatively been cited more than 8,800 times. His research has been honored with several national awards; most recently he was named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2016. Prof. Green received his BA in Chemistry (with Highest Honors) from Swarthmore College in 1983, and his PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley in 1988. After postdoctoral research at Cambridge University and the University of Pennsylvania, he was a principal investigator at Exxon's Corporate Research Laboratory for six years before joining the MIT faculty in 1997. He chaired the sessions on Combustion at the AIChE National Meetings for a decade, and played a leadership role in the DOE's Combustion Energy Frontier Research Center. He convened the 7th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics at MIT in 2011. He served as Executive Officer of the MIT Department of Chemical Engineering from 2012-2015, and was the Editor of the International Journal of Chemical Kinetics from 2008-2013.
Research Clusters:
Google Scholar:
Vehicles and Energy, Sustainability and Environment